Orbit, Face, Neck, Sinus MRI - CAM 738
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used in the evaluation of face and neck region masses, trauma, and infection. The soft-tissue contrast between normal and abnormal tissues provided by MRI is sensitive for differentiating between inflammatory disease and malignant tumors and permits the precise delineation of tumor margins. MRI is used for therapy planning and follow-up of face and neck neoplasms. It is also used for the evaluation of neck lymphadenopathy and vocal cord lesions.
CT scanning remains the study of choice for the imaging evaluation of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the sinonasal cavities. MRI is not considered the first-line study for routine sinus imaging because of limitations in the definition of the bony anatomy and length of imaging time. MRI for confirmation of diagnosis of sinusitis is discouraged because of hypersensitivity (overdiagnosis) in comparison to CT without contrast. MRI, however, is superior to CT in differentiating inflammatory conditions from neoplastic processes. MRI may better depict intraorbital and intracranial complications in cases of aggressive sinus infection, as well as differentiating soft-tissue masses from inflammatory mucosal disease. MRI may also identify fungal invasive sinusitis or encephaloceles.
Anosmia — Nonstructural causes of anosmia include post viral symptoms, medications (Amitiptyline, Enalapril, Nifedipine, Propranolol, Penicillamine, Sumatriptan, Cisplatin, Triflouperazine, Propylthiouracil). These should be considered prior to advanced imaging to look for a structural cause.
ORBIT MRI is considered MEDICALLY NECESSARY for the following indications:
If there is a combination request* for an overlapping body part, either requested at the same time or sequentially (within the past 3 months) the results of the prior study should be:
- Inconclusive or show a need for additional or follow up imaging evaluation OR
- The office notes should clearly document an indication why overlapping imaging is needed and how it will change management for the patient.
(*Unless approvable in the combination section as noted in the guidelines)
MRI is superior for the evaluation of the visual pathways, globe and soft tissues; CT is preferred for visualizing bony detail and calcifications1,2
- Abnormal external or direct eye exam
- Exophthalmos (proptosis) or enophthalmos
- Ophthalmoplegia with concern for orbital pathology
- Unilateral optic disk swelling3,4,5
- Documented visual field defect6,7,8,9
- Unilateral or with abnormal optic disc(s) (e.g., optic disc blurring, edema, or pallor); AND
- Not explained by underlying diagnosis, glaucoma, or macular degeneration
- Optic neuritis10,11,12,13
- If atypical presentation (bilateral, absence of pain, optic nerve hemorrhages, severe visual impairment, lack of response to steroids, poor recovery or recurrence)14,15
- If needed to confirm optic neuritis and rule out compressive lesions
- Orbital trauma16,17
- Physical findings of direct eye injury
- Suspected orbital trauma with indeterminate X-ray or ultrasound
- Orbital or ocular mass/tumor, suspected or known1,7
- Clinical suspicion of orbital infection1,2
- Clinical suspicion of osteomyelitis18,19
- Direct visualization of bony deformity OR
- Abnormal X-rays
- Clinical suspicion of orbital inflammatory disease (e.g., eye pain and restricted eye movement with suspected orbital pseudotumor)20
- Congenital orbital anomalies
Complex strabismus syndromes (with ophthalmoplegia or ophthalmoparesis) to aid in diagnosis, treatment and/or surgical planning21,22,23
- Optic neuropathy or unilateral optic disk swelling of unclear etiology to distinguish between a compressive lesion of the optic nerve, optic neuritis, ischemic optic neuropathy (arteritic or non-arteritic), central retinal vein occlusion or optic nerve infiltrative disorders24
- Bilateral optic disk swelling (papilledema) with vision loss3
- Optic neuritis
- if atypical presentation (bilateral, absence of pain, optic nerve hemorrhages, severe visual impairment, lack of response to steroids, poor recovery or recurrence)10,11,12,13,14,15
- If needed to confirm optic neuritis and rule out compressive lesions
- Known or suspected neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder with severe, recurrent, or bilateral optic neuritis25
- For approved indications as noted above and being performed in a child under 8 years of age who will need anesthesia for the procedure and there is a suspicion of concurrent intracranial pathology26
- Rhinosinusitis27
- Clinical suspicion of fungal infection28
- Clinical suspicion of orbital or intracranial complications18,19, such as
- Preseptal, orbital, or central nervous system infection
- Osteomyelitis
- Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Sinonasal obstruction, suspected mass, based on exam, nasal endoscopy, or prior imaging27,29
- Anosmia or Dysosmia based on objective testing that is persistent and of unknown origin30,31,32
- Suspected infection
- Osteomyelitis (after X-rays)33
- Abscess based on clinical signs and symptoms of infection
- Face mass27,34,35
- Present on physical exam and remains non-diagnostic after X-ray or ultrasound is completed
- Known or highly suspected head and neck cancer on examination27
- Failed 2 weeks of treatment for suspected infectious adenopathy36
- Facial trauma16,17,37,38
- Concern for soft tissue injury to further evaluate for treatment or surgical planning39
- Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener’s granulomatosis) disease31
- Trigeminal neuralgia/neuropathy (for evaluation of the extracranial nerve course)
- If atypical features (e.g., bilateral, hearing loss, dizziness/vertigo, visual changes, sensory loss, numbness, pain > 2min, pain outside trigeminal nerve distribution, progression)30,40
- Anosmia or dysosmia on objective testing that is persistent and of unknown origin30,32,41
- Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener’s granulomatosis) disease42
- Trigeminal neuralgia that meets the above criteria30,40
- For approved indications as noted above and being performed in a child under 8 years of age who will need anesthesia for the procedure and there is a suspicion of concurrent intracranial pathology26
Suspected tumor or cancer43:
- Suspicious lesions in mouth or throat35
- Suspicious mass/tumor found on another imaging study and needing clarification
- Neck mass or lymphadenopathy (non-parotid or non-thyroid)
- Present on physical exam and remains non-diagnostic after ultrasound is completed35
- Mass or abnormality found on other imaging study and needing further evaluation
- Increased risk for malignancy with one or more of the following findings44:
- Fixation to adjacent tissues
- Firm consistency
- Size > 1.5 cm
- Ulceration of overlying skin
- Mass present ≥ two weeks (or uncertain duration) without significant fluctuation and not considered of infectious cause
- History of cancer
- Failed 2 weeks of treatment for suspected infectious adenopathy36
- Pediatric (≤ 18 years old) considerations10
- Ultrasound should be inconclusive or suspicious unless there is a history of malignancy11
Note: For discrete cystic lesions of the neck, an ultrasound should be performed as initial imaging unless there is a high suspicion of malignancy
- Neck Mass (parotid)43
- Parotid mass found on other imaging study and needing further evaluation (US is the initial imaging study of a parotid region mass)
- Neck Mass (thyroid)45
- Staging and monitoring for recurrence of known thyroid cancer45
- To assess extent of thyroid tissue when other imaging suggests extension through the thoracic inlet into the mediastinum or concern for airway compression46,47
Note: US is the initial imaging study of a thyroid region mass. Biopsy is usually the next step. In the evaluation of known thyroid malignancy, CT is preferred over MRI since there is less respiratory motion artifact. Chest CT may be included for preoperative assessment in some cases.
Known or suspected deep space infections or abscesses of the pharynx or neck with signs or symptoms of infection48
Other indications for a Neck MRI:
- MR Sialography to evaluate salivary ducts49,50
- Vocal cord lesions or vocal cord paralysis51
- Unexplained ear pain when ordered by a specialist with all of the following52
- Otoscopic exam, nasolaryngoscopy, lab evaluation (ESR, CBC) AND
- Risk factor for malignancy i.e., tobacco use, alcohol use, dysphagia, weight loss OR age older than 50 years
- Diagnosed primary hyperparathyroidism when surgery is planned
- Previous nondiagnostic ultrasound or nuclear medicine scan53,54
- Bell’s palsy/hemifacial spasm (for evaluation of the extracranial nerve course)
- If atypical signs, slow resolution beyond three weeks, no improvement at four months, or facial twitching/spasms prior to onset55
- Objective cranial nerve palsy (CN IX-XII) (for evaluation of the extracranial nerve course)30,56
- Brachial plexopathy if mechanism of injury or EMG/NCV studies are suggestive57,58
Note: Chest MRI is preferred study, but neck and/or shoulder (upper extremity) MRI can be ordered depending on the suspected location of injury.
- Objective cranial nerve palsy (CN IX – XII) (for evaluation of the extracranial nerve course)30,56
- For approved indications as noted above and being performed in a child under 8 years of age who will need anesthesia for the procedure and there is a suspicion of concurrent intracranial pathology26
Known tumor or cancer of skull base, orbits, sinuses, face, tongue, larynx, nasopharynx, pharynx, or salivary glands
- Initial staging35
- Restaging during treatment
- Suspected recurrence or new metastases based on symptoms or examination findings
- New mass
- Change in lymph nodes59
- Surveillance appropriate for tumor type and stage
Indication for combination studies for the initial pre-therapy staging of cancer, OR active monitoring for recurrence as clinically indicated OR evaluation of suspected metastases
- < 5 concurrent studies to include CT or MRI of any of the following areas as appropriate depending on the cancer: Neck, Abdomen, Pelvis, Chest, Brain, Cervical Spine, Thoracic Spine or Lumbar Spine
Pre-operative/procedural evaluation
- Pre-operative evaluation for a planned surgery or procedure
Post- operative/procedural evaluation
- When imaging, physical, or laboratory findings indicate surgical or procedural complications
All other uses of this technology are investigational and/or unproven and therefore considered NOT MEDICALLY NECESSARY.
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Coding Section
Code |
Number |
Description |
70540 |
Magnetic resonance (e.g., proton) imaging, orbit, face, and/or neck; without contrast material(s) |
70542 |
Magnetic resonance (e.g., proton) imaging, orbit, face, and/or neck; with contrast material(s) |
70543 |
Magnetic resonance (e.g., proton) imaging, orbit, face, and/or neck; without contrast material(s), followed by contrast material(s) and further sequences |
Procedure and diagnosis codes on Medical Policy documents are included only as a general reference tool for each policy. They may not be all-inclusive.
This medical policy was developed through consideration of peer-reviewed medical literature generally recognized by the relevant medical community, U.S. FDA approval status, nationally accepted standards of medical practice and accepted standards of medical practice in this community, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association technology assessment program (TEC) and other nonaffiliated technology evaluation centers, reference to federal regulations, other plan medical policies, and accredited national guidelines.
"Current Procedural Terminology © American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved"
History From 2019 Forward
11/10/2022 | Annual review, adding statement regarding documentation required for combination requests of overlapping body parts. Also updating policy verbiage for clarity and specificity. |
11/01/2021 |
Annual review, adding criteria related to complex strabismus, temporal bone fracture, optic neuritis, compressive lesions. Clarifying language regarding visual defect, osteomyelitis, optic neuropathy, csf otorrhea. No other changes. |
11/01/2020 |
Annual review, updating policy for clarifications and facial trauma and metastases. Also updating references and background. |
11/25/2019 |
New Policy |